Happy woman on Christmas

Money Hack #1: Happiness per money spent

Apr. 3, 2019 - 2 min read
Money Hack

The Money Hack series will focus on easy and actionable actions you can take in your life to improve your financial situation. They can help you whether you're starting on your way to a healthier financial life, half-way there or living your best life. Some of these tips may require some practice before they become habits, but I assure you they're worth it.

For the first Money Hack of the series, let's focus on an important one. Whenever you're ready to buy something, however small or big, stop and think to yourself:

How will that purchase affect my happiness?

Inexpensive purchases that bring a lot of happiness is great. Expensive stuff that you loathe not so much. We're talking real happiness here, not just mindless habits. We'll touch on this subject in the future, but for now try to ask yourself what brings you true happiness in life, not just what distracts you for a mere 5 minutes.

A trick some use is to count the number of hours you have to work to be able to afford it. Is it worth working 2 hours in order to afford that restaurant meal? Only you can answer those questions.

No need to become obsessed with it, the goal is simply to practice it until it becomes a habit, at which point you'll start thinking about it unconsciously and making better decisions.

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