Money Hack

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Money Hack #5: Beware of subscriptions
Oct. 21, 2020 - 4 min read

Subscriptions are getting more and more popular. There are the obvious TV streaming services like Netflix or Disney+, or the newspaper subscription (although digital now instead of a printed version). But they're becoming the norm in a lot of sectors where they weren't before. While it was once reserved for niche boxes like Japanese candy or cosmetics, you can now buy plenty of household products like coffee or pet food with a subscription. Retailers often even give a discount if you do. Apps that were once sold for a one-time fee are now available for a monthly subscription, like Photoshop, Office, even Tinder. And many merchants will even sell you a subscription to improve how you use their services: Amazon Prime, Uber Pass, or the original Costco.

Money Hack #4: Watch out for fake deals
Oct. 14, 2020 - 2 min read

With Prime Day just past us and Black Friday coming up, this is the perfect time to talk about deals. Who doesn't like a good one? It's not just about the money saved, and you know I love saving money. It just feels good knowing you paid 20% less for <popular gadget of the year>. Even more if you were going to buy it regardless, but managed to snatch a deal just before buying it.

Cat in washing machine
Money Hack #3: Plan big purchases
Sep. 2, 2020 - 4 min read

Big purchases are infrequent but have an oversized impact on your finances. Small optimization around regular expenses can make a difference in your budget, but big-ticket items are another beast. What constitutes a big purchase? For me, it's any single item over 100$. It's a simple number, and starting at that price point getting a discount starts making a difference.

Cat sleeping under the sheets
Money Hack #2: Sleep on it
Apr. 17, 2019 - 2 min read

Money has this weird property where it’s hard to earn but easy to spend. Bad planning (or no planning at all) can compound this even further and cripple your ability to save towards a better future. Don’t lose hope though, nothing is impossible! With the Money Hack series, you get simple, actionable advice you can use in your daily life.

Happy woman on Christmas
Money Hack #1: Happiness per money spent
Apr. 3, 2019 - 2 min read

The Money Hack series will focus on easy and actionable actions you can take in your life to improve your financial situation. They can help you whether you're starting on your way to a healthier financial life, half-way there or living your best life. Some of these tips may require some practice before they become habits, but I assure you they're worth it.

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